

My Introduction

As you might have guessed, my real name is not Bob Frank. However, it is my alias online. Bob Frank is a Canadian programmer as well as a hobbyist writer. He has two wonderful parents and two greatly loved siblings (who are also wonderful). He is in college, greatly enjoys math and some physics, and finds history and geography terrifying but necessary.

Above all, he is a Christian, and seeks to grow in relationship with God, and in love to others


Bob Frank has dabbled in writing narratives in the past, and is currently involved in the creation of a sci-fi story named Deathworlder. He is working on this project with the help of a friend, who's name is not to be mentioned, but goes by the pseudonym of Under Drow.
This story is heavily inspired by the beauty and fittingness of the human body above other animals, and in theory above aliens. It is inspired by the SCP foundation in the theme of its tech, and in the feel of its world.
Ultimately, this world and entire project is a learning experience, and the writing style and quality is expected to grow over the course of the story. You are welcome to join the journey, right here.


As part of an appreciation for math and physics, Bob Frank moved quite naturally into coding and computer science. His parents gifted him an Arduino for Christmas when he was 11, and he learnt some basic lessons. However, the big introduction to coding came with a scratch clone called Game Fruit. In high school he moved to Python, and began to learn and grow rapidly. Today he has multiple projects on the go, and enjoys showing them to friends and family. His most recent experiments can be found here.